
Gesa Luecker

Gesa Luecker
Country :Germany

“…a straightforward and sensitive pianist….
rich with imagination and technical prowess…”
(Anthony Tommasini, New York Times July 2011)

She was a prize winner of the Bruno-Frey-Stiftung, of the Hannover Chopin Society and of national and international competitions. She has given concerts as a soloist with various orchestras; her performances brought her to halls such as the large hall of the NDR Hannover, Yamaha Hall New York, Carnegie Hall (Weill Recital Hall) and Mannes College of Music in New York City, Wigmore Hall London, Oriental Arts Center Shanghai and Tsinghua University Beijing. Her chamber music partners include soloists from the Amsterdam Concertgebouworkest, Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra, Düsseldorfer Symphoniker as well as artists like Tanja Becker-Bender, Sayaka Schmuck, Christoph Eß, Katharina Deserno and others.


“…a straightforward and sensitive pianist….
rich with imagination and technical prowess…”
(Anthony Tommasini, New York Times July 2011)

“Here again, Gesa Luecker conveyed the very essence of the music.
Without a trace of showmanship or artifice, technically flawless, outstanding musicality.”
(E.van den Hoogen in audiophil No.5/2010 on Gesa Luecker’s Debut CD
of works by Mozart and Prokofiev, released by GENUIN 2009)

German pianist Gesa Luecker gave her first public concert aged nine and her orchestral debut followed when she was 12 years old. She studied with Martin Dörrie and Matti Raekallio at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater, Hannover up until the concert exam program; further work with luminaries such as Arie Vardi, Fabio Bidini and Jerome Rose made an important contribution to her musical development.

She was a prize winner of the Bruno-Frey-Stiftung, of the Hannover Chopin Society and of national and international competitions. She has given concerts as a soloist with various orchestras; her performances brought her to halls such as the large hall of the NDR Hannover, Yamaha Hall New York, Carnegie Hall (Weill Recital Hall) and Mannes College of Music in New York City, Wigmore Hall London, Oriental Arts Center Shanghai and Tsinghua University Beijing. Her chamber music partners include soloists from the Amsterdam Concertgebouworkest, Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra, Düsseldorfer Symphoniker as well as artists like Tanja Becker-Bender, Sayaka Schmuck, Christoph Eß, Katharina Deserno and others.

Last seasons Gesa Luecker toured in Germany, Italy, the USA as well as making several concert tours to China. Two recordings are published among others at the labels GENUIN and Wergo.

She started teaching at the University for Music and Drama Hannover in 2001 at the department for highly gifted young students. In October 2010 Gesa Luecker became a professor of piano at the University for Music and Dance Cologne, Germany. Several of her students won already prizes in national and international competitions.

In addition she is a regular member of the jury at international competitions, gives masterclasses in Germany, China and is since 2011 annually invited to teach and perform at the “International Keyboard Institute and Festival” at Mannes College (IKIF) in New York City, USA.

Gesa Luecker is also dedicated to broadening the appeal of classical music to a wider audience; she participates in the ‘Rhapsody in schools’ project founded by Lars Vogt and acts as a consultant and musical director for several concert series and music festivals.